Supporting Individuals with Autism through Uncertain Times

Supporting Individuals with AutismAll children and young adults require support from caregivers during times of stress and uncertainty, such as those we are facing now with the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Coping with the unknown and navigating school closures, abrupt changes in routines, loss of connections with teachers and friends, and fear around contracting the virus- are burdens for all, and caregivers play an important role in helping children and young adults understand the changes and process their related feelings. Individuals with autism may need additional support to process the news and adapt to the many changes. This population may face additional challenges related to comprehension, communication, difficulty understanding abstract language, an insistence on sameness, and a greater likelihood of anxiety and depression—all of which may be exacerbated during this stressful period.

The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill School of Education and Frank Porter Graham Autism Team have put together these seven strategies to support individuals with ASD through uncertain times.

Supporting Individual with Autism through Uncertain Times