UF Multidisciplinary Diagnostic & Training Program
The FDLRS/UF Multidisciplinary Diagnostic & Training Program is one of six regional Florida Diagnostic & Learning Resources System (FDLRS) Multidisciplinary Educational Services Centers funded by the State of Florida Department of Education, Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services (BEESS) that serve children and youth with complex learning, behavioral, medical, and socio-emotional problems, their parents, teachers, and schools.

The UF MDTP is a unique resource for students, families, and school districts in the North Central Florida region. We provide multidisciplinary evaluation and consultation services for children and youth at risk for or identified as having complex medical, educational, socioemotional, and/or behavioral problems. We also provide parent education and support services, and in-service and pre-service training for educators and other professionals.
- Multidisciplinary Evaluations
- Parent Consultation
- Training and Workshops
- Consultation Services to Teachers and Schools