Posts tagged as


Movement and Autism Research Study

Are you a young adult between the ages of 18 – 25 with or without Autism and are interested in helping out with an ASD motor study? If so, contact and visit our website for more information. Compensation will be provided. Principal investigator:…

Summer 2024 Events

With community programming and collaboration with local organizations, there is a wide variety of events that people living with Autism Spectrum Disorder can attend. Connect here to the CARD website for details on all local events and programs. school-teacher-physical-education…

Spring 2024 Events

With community programming and collaboration with local organizations, there is a wide variety of events that people living with Autism Spectrum Disorder can attend. Connect here to the CARD website for details on all local events and programs. school-teacher-physical-education…

Preparing to Move to College with Autism

By Cassidy Hopson Moving away from home to attend college is a big lifestyle change for every young adult. But, for those with autism, this change can be particularly challenging. The intensity of college courses combined with increased responsibilities can be a difficult adjustment for new college students with ASD.

News Article

Florida church opens coffee shop run young adults with autism. Read about it here.