Posts tagged as


Movement and Autism Research Study

Are you a young adult between the ages of 18 – 25 with or without Autism and are interested in helping out with an ASD motor study? If so, contact and visit our website for more information. Compensation will be provided. Principal investigator:…

Addressing Feeding Disorders with Cultural Compassion

UF Health Psychology Addressing Feeding Disorders with Cultural Compassion Vivian Ibañez, M.D. with the Florida Autism Center and UF Health CAN specializes in navigating the complex challenges faced by families…

Minds & Machines

Artificial Intelligence UF College of Medicine researchers with CAN are using artificial intelligence to enhance their research and clinical practice for ASD.

Seeking Caregivers for New Study

Study title: Teaching Caregivers to Implement Applied Behavior Analysis Protocols The Translational and Applied Behavioral Science (TABS) lab is seeking caregivers of children with autism (2-8 years old) who are interested in learning how to implement behavioral interventions to teach their child a new skill, such as how to wash their…

New Study: Virtual Reality Environments

Seeking Participants Virtual Reality Environments Help us invent the future of virtual reality for people with Autism by participating in our focus group study. You may be eligible to participate…

NIH Funds 5-year, $10 Million ASD Study

New Autism Study Brandon Zielinski, M.D., Ph.D, an associate professor and chief of pediatric neurology at the University of Florida and member of UF CAN, has received a National Institute…

Exciting Research Updates

Check out some new research out of the Behavior Analysis Research Clinic (BARC) at the University of Florida. Image Gallery Parents Are People Too: Implementing Empirically Based Strategies During Daily Interactions New (old) Perspective on Self-Injurious and Aggressive Biting A Brief Assessment to Identify…

Participate in Research Studies

UF CAN Research Opportunities At UF Health, research studies are available for children, teens and young adults living with developmental disabilities and ASD. Studies involving novel treatment techniques to job-related…