Transition To Adulthood

Center for autism and Neurodevelopment

Adult Transition

Becoming an adult is a transitional process for individuals with and without neurodevelopmental disorders. CAN and its partners recognize that supports can help make the transition go more smoothly. Check out these resources below:


Transition Services

Project 10

Project 10 assists Florida school districts and relevant stakeholders in building capacity to provide secondary transition services to students with disabilities in order to improve their academic success and post-school outcomes.

Post-Secondary Education

Social Gators

SOCIAL GATORS is a program for UF degree-seeking students who want to enhance their skills for a more enriching college experience. This program is designed for students on the autism spectrum and others interested in improving their social communication skills.

Spectrum of Success

Spectrum of Success at Santa Fe College is designed to help integrate students on the autism spectrum into the Santa Fe College community as a whole.

College Autism Network

The College Autism Network is a nonprofit organization linking varied stakeholders engaged in evidence-guided efforts to improve access, experiences, and outcomes for post-secondary students with autism.



UF CARD works with adults in the community, offering job support and employment boot camps.

puzzle gator

Disability Rights Florida

Disability Rights Florida was founded in 1977 as the state’s designated Protection and Advocacy (P&A) system for individuals with disabilities in the State of Florida. The P&A system exists to ensure the safety, wellbeing, and success of people with disabilities. P&As demand access and accountability in health care, education, transportation, voting, housing, employment, and within the juvenile and criminal justice systems. Disability Rights Florida has access authority to any agency, institution, and organization that affects or involves people with disabilities. This is a power that other agencies do not have.



employU is a nonprofit employment service empowering customers with the knowledge, connections, and confidence required to embark on a new sustainable career. We are partnered with The Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, and the American Dream Employment Network. Our company is structured as a one-stop-shop offering adult employment services, youth programs, employability trainings, paid work experience, and a variety of assessments. Our services enhance a customer’s ability to successfully achieve independence by establishing a lifelong career.

work employment

Independent Living

Center for Independent Living

The Center for Independent living empowers people with disabilities to exert their individual rights to live as independently as possible, make personal life choices and achieve full community inclusion.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

(SSI) is a Federal income supplement program designed to help aged, blind, and disabled people, who have little or no income; and provides cash to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.