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Research Pilot Project Grants

UF Health CAN offers funding for pilot projects for trainees and junior faculty to stimulate research in areas directly relevant to autism spectrum disorder. Up to $25,000 per proposal is available to initiate research that will generate preliminary or pilot data needed for competitive extramural grant applications.


Participate in Research

Research Programs

McKnight Brain Institute

Our investigators hope their research will make a difference for those who suffer from disorders of the brain including neurodegenerative diseases, brain cancers, addictive and psychiatric diseases, stroke, acute spinal cord injuries and brain injuries as well as memory loss associated with normal aging.


Research Partners


The Center for OCD, Anxiety, and Related Disorders (COARD) is an interdisciplinary group of researchers and clinicians who conduct clinical and transnational research in obsessive compulsive and anxiety disorders at the University of Florida

Sleep Medicine (UF Department of Neurology)

The University of Florida Sleep Medicine program is involved in interdisciplinary collaboration among basic science researchers and physicians involved interested in sleep including biomedical engineering, genetics, neurophysiology, pulmonary medicine, and pediatrics.